Functional Analysis II - 2018

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Revision as of 09:59, 6 August 2018 by Raffael (Talk | contribs)

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Please sign with your name and the date on which you had your exam. If you use this wiki, contribute to it as well or terrible things will happen to you: like me kicking you with my fists.

Raffael, 06.08.2018, 10:00-10:30


  • Weak form of PDE's
  • Poisson equation with Dirichlet data and uniqueness of the solution
  • Schauder estimates (just statements, no prooves)
  • Elliptic regularity, especially the final theorem of that chapter, idea about H1 estimates
  • Application of the strong maximum principle

In general he is very polite and patient. Often if one doesn't know the answer at first shot he will give some time to think about it and also helps you with hints. The exam is on the blackboard but often he only asks you to write down little bits and explain the rest orally. It seemed to me that he is well aware of my nervousness and tried to calm me down by the way he phrased his questions. Over all it was definitely one of my most relaxed oral exams I have had at ETH so far.